How to Stop Binge Drinking: 12 Tips for How to Quit

A child with FASD might experience heart or bone problems, reduced attention span and memory, or learning disabilities. Research suggests that alcohol consumption is also a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome. Write down all the reasons you need to slow down or quit drinking alcohol. Review your list often, especially if you feel tempted to drink. Naltrexone is a prescription medication that essentially prevents alcohol from feeling as good as it normally would. In more scientific terms, it blocks the endorphin receptors that alcohol would otherwise bind to.3 Over time, this makes binge drinking a less pleasurable experience, reducing your desire to do it.

However, this approach is not going to work for everyone, he said, like those with alcohol-use disorder. Reducing or stopping drinking alcohol after drinking heavily for a period can also cause mental and physical effects like nausea, insomnia, and anxiety, according to WebMD. Monument’s anonymous forum connects you to other people navigating similar challenges. It’s a judgment-free community where you can feel comfortable asking questions and getting the motivation you deserve as you make progress with learning how to stop binge drinking.

Keep alcohol out of your house

It does so by affecting two types of neurotransmitters in the brain. Alcohol is alluring because it lowers stress levels, increases confidence and generally makes life look a lot more appealing. “It takes a level of awareness that many people don’t have,” he said. “If we attack the medical problem right away and early on, you cannot only treat the problem but prevent the development of the more severe forms of the disease,” Dr. Leggio said. But it is considered a major risk factor for alcohol-related illness and injuries, and it heightens the possibility that an individual will develop an alcohol disorder. This might be a good time to think about quitting for good.

Often, people who binge drink are aware of the problem but don’t know how to stop. That’s why so many people end up asking how to stop binge drinking. Sometimes, they want substance abuse treatment themselves, but other times they want to help friends or family.

Is There Treatment for Binge Drinking?

According to the CDC, binge drinking is a serious, but preventable, public health problem. These effects go away after your liver removes alcohol from your body. However, you may wake up with a hangover after a night of binge drinking. Some may view binge-drinking as harmless because the habit is widespread and a low percentage of binge drinkers are dependent on alcohol, according to experts. Binge drinking is a serious issue that can lead to many health problems.

  • No matter how you choose to support your loved one’s efforts to stop binge drinking, remember you’re not their therapist.
  • Studies show that binge drinking can affect your working memory, which is your ability to store short-term information and keep track of what you’re doing.
  • Koob says he’ll often make himself the designated driver so he won’t be questioned about drinking.
  • Binge drinking occurs when you drink enough alcohol raising your blood-alcohol content above the legal limit for driving.

The randomized control trial was double-blinded, so half of the men received naltrexone and half received a placebo, and neither the participants nor the scientists knew who had received which. Each week, participants also received counseling on how to reduce their alcohol use. A recent study suggested the use of a decades-old medicine taken before imbibing could reduce the amount of alcohol consumed. The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test is used by medical professionals to assess their patient’s risk level for alcohol dependence.

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If you’ve used alcohol to cope, there is no shame in that. Consciously limiting how many drinks you consume each week is an act of mindfulness and self-care. Set a number and an end date when setting goals for reducing your alcohol intake. By starting smaller, you can build upon newly formed habits. For example, you can set a goal that cuts your number of drinks in half by the end of a three-month period. Calculating your alcohol consumption sheds light on patterns of when and how often you choose to drink.

how to stop binge drinking at home

According to the NIAAA, research shows that genes account for about half the risk for alcohol use disorder. To prevent your attendees from binge drinking, make sure that alcohol is not central to the event. Clapp, who specializes in research on alcohol use, says that understanding drinking events is critical to preventing these incidents. Keeping a record of your drinking can help you be more aware of your patterns and triggers. For a week or two, note every time you have a drink, what kind of drink it was, where you were, who you were with, and how you felt. Reviewing your journal can help you see patterns in your drinking and find new ways to cut down.

You’re supposed to grab dinner with some friends after work on Friday. Last weekend you went overboard with the binge drinking and paid for it dearly well into Tuesday, so you’ve decided to “take it easy” this weekend. Tension, depression, and self-consciousness decrease with equal doses. These improved emotions were also accompanied how to stop binge drinking at home by decreased tension and reduced feelings of self-consciousness. Those who engage in regular binge or heavy drinking actually report greater rates of emotional challenges than those who engage in moderate drinking. Studies suggest that moderate drinking may reduce your risk for certain cognitive impairments like dementia.

However, many folks drink more than this and may not realize it qualifies as binge drinking. Communicate your intentions and goals to those with whom you surround yourself with the most. Here are tips for telling your friends and family you’re getting treatment to change your drinking.

You don’t have to give up drinking entirely—there’s plenty of middle ground between alcohol abuse and abstinence. Once you find that middle ground, you can continue to enjoy your favorite drinks without jeopardizing your health, safety, or sense of well-being. One of the best ways to beat weekend binge drinking is to find new ways to spend your time, such as hitting the gym, going to the beach, jogging at the park, or visiting new places. It can help to view binge drinking as a habit loop made of a cue, routine, and reward. When you surround yourself with the same cues that trigger your urge to binge drink—like certain people or settings—it becomes harder to break the loop. But most people have a hard time discerning when they’ve gone beyond moderate drinking and should consider cutting back, according to Koob.

Because small amounts of alcohol are believed to make your brain cells “more fit”, healthy alcohol doses may help improve cognitive function in both short and long-term ways. Mixed drinks that include other components like milk, juice, syrups, or soda are generally higher. That said, binge drinking may add more than 500 calories to your daily intake. In time, this can increase the chances of weight gain connected to drinking.

This setback reinforced how poorly I feel and how much money I waste when I am in that cycle. It was a stark reminder how easy it is to create embarrassing situations while intoxicated. I had big goals, and this type of lifestyle was not supporting those goals. For me, going through such a perpetual cycle came from many things.

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